
Welcome to Haoxing Machinery, broken bridge aluminum crushers, and metal crushers!
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<b>Metal crusher</b>
Metal crusher
Material:Waste metal materials, waste aluminum alloys, raw aluminum, cans, colored steel tiles, paint buckets, iron filings, and other types of waste metals.
Oil filter crusher
Oil filter crusher
Material:Suitable for crushing and separating waste oil filter elements, air filter elements, air conditioning filter elements and other materials from various automobiles, motorcycles, etc.
Scrap iron crusher
Scrap iron crusher
Material:Used for crushing various scrap iron, scrap steel, scrap iron drums, colored steel tiles, household appliances, scrap bicycles, thin iron sheets, and other scrap iron raw materials.
Scrap steel crusher
Scrap steel crusher
Material:Broken and scrapped cars, scrapped household appliances, scrapped bicycles and motorcycles, car shells, and various raw aluminum scrap materials.
Color steel tile crusher
Color steel tile crusher
Material:Broken and scrapped cars, scrapped household appliances, scrapped bicycles and motorcycles, car shells, and various raw aluminum scrap materials.
Paint bucket crusher
Paint bucket crusher
Material:Suitable for crushing various materials such as paint barrels, waste oil barrels, and waste machine oil barrels.
Iron chip crusher
Iron chip crusher
Material:Iron scrap crusher often crushes various materials such as steel scrap, copper scrap, aluminum scrap, iron scrap, waste steel wire, waste iron pot, iron basin, and circuit board.
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